PortX 🚀 - Open port testing CLI
PortX provides an easy way to test for open TCP ports from the command line. It's written in NodeJS and compiled with Zeit's PKG. All dependencies are bundled in with the binary or can be installed automatically with NPM.
Download the latest binary for your operating system from https://github.com/adamhancock/portx/releases
MacOS and Linux - chmod +x the portx executable and mv it to /usr/local/bin/portx
Alternatively you can install using NPM. Run the following command to install
# Linux and MacOS systems
sudo npm install -g portx
# Windows
npm install -g portx
PortX can be used directly from the command line or via a JSON file with predefined ports and templating.
portx -h google.co.uk:443
SUCCESS - google.co.uk - is accessible
Looping tests
You can loop the test by running the following command (MacOS and Linux)
while true; do portx -h google.co.uk:443; sleep 1; done
HTTP status checks
Portx can check for http responses by adding the -s flag.
portx -h adamhancock.co.uk:80 -s
* SUCCESS - adamhancock.co.uk - is accessible. HTTP: 200 OK
* SUCCESS - adamhancock.co.uk - is accessible. HTTP: 200 OK
# with https
portx -h adamhancock.co.uk:443 -s https
* SUCCESS - adamhancock.co.uk - is accessible. HTTP: 200 OK
* SUCCESS - adamhancock.co.uk - is accessible. HTTP: 200 OK
File templates
This is an example of a json file that portx supports with environment tags.
"name": "Yahoo",
"host": "{{env}}.bbc.co.uk",
"port": 443
The JSON file can be passed to portx using the -f flag. Environments are defined using the -e flag.
portx -f hosts.json -e dev,prd
* FAIL - PRD - Yahoo - prd.bbc.co.uk does not resolve
* SUCCESS - DEV - Yahoo - dev.bbc.co.uk - is accessible.